Saturday, July 08, 2006

Alternate Reality Gaming - ARG - Is it the next big thing???

What is ARG - An alternate reality game (ARG) is a cross media game that deliberately blurs the line between in-game experiences and the real world. While these games may primarily be centered around online resources, events which happen as part of the game may be communicated to the players in a number of forms.
Most ARGs have a specific goal of not only involving the player with the story and/or fictional characters but of connecting them to each other. Many game puzzles can be solved only by the collective and collaborative efforts of multiple players, and strong communities flourish around individual games and the ARG genre as a whole.

Alternate reality games are usually earmarked by a large game-reality in the form of multiple websites, all of which are presented as being real (non-fiction). In fact, sometimes it is difficult to tell if a website is fictional or not. These websites form the foundation of the game's universe, and are usually the primary storytelling vehicle, although the various media listed above can be used as well. This creates a situation where the game's alternate reality and the real world collide -- some games have extended into players' everyday lives by pushing information towards players at certain times ( e.g. SMS messages), whereas others have required players to initiate all communication.

The concept of "this is not a game" is central to the ARG genre. Alternate reality games do not advertise themselves as such, and never admit to being a game while 'live' -- when the game is over, some information about its creation may become public. The mystery surrounding the game's events and creators is a major contributor to player immersion and enjoyment, as is the general thrill of discovering the game's alternate universe and exploring its boundaries with the real world.

- Deepak Abbot (Source: wikipedia)


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