Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Zapak Or Zatak

Zapak Or Zatak
Dosent the name Zapak sound like the latest TV commercial Zatak..very very sexy. Lol.

I guess it does, but Ill tell u whatiteeeeez??? , but i am not Bhagwan Bhai.

Zapak is going to be India's Largest gaming Portal for discussions on games which u like.

But i have a question for u. When u guys play any game in which u are fully engrossed, what do u land up doing.

picked a lock with a credit card,
accidentally killed my own dog,
eaten carrion,
had sex with a succubus who seemed not to enjoy it very much,
bought tinned food,
had my ass saved when my God answered a prayer,
broken a camera,
had the most enjoyable hallucination trip since . . well . . . a while,
stripped naked to squeeze through a narrow gap.

Reply back for some thing what eva u've done.

Take Care.


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