Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Blizzard takes that extreme step but in the right direction...axes 59000 culprits in their virtual world

Blizzard are famous for their strict guidelines and rigid enforcement when it comes to keeping WoW a happy place to play, but the 59,000 axed from the world's most populous MMO is a lot of people, even by their own standards. That said, such is the success of Blizzard's opus that a number most games wouldn't dare contemplate axing is but a drop in the ocean, aimed at keeping the vast player base satisfied.

Apparently, the 59,000 bans will be accompanied by the removal of 22-million in gold from the game's economy.
Most MMOs don't even have 59000 people playing actively. Blizzard is literally sitting on a goldmine which is extracting them diamonds as well along with some dash of platinum.


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