Monday, June 19, 2006

Hey......What have u got!!!!!!

Hey every one!!!
Since MMORPG is developing in India at Agility. I wanted to know which games r u guyz playing these days.

Guild Wars
World Of Warcraft
City Of Heores
City Of Villains

Let me know, what r u pro with.



At 7:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


as of now, from the given list ragnarok enjoys maximum user base, due to non availability of..well ..anything better(concurrency =300)

WOW has a few users, mostly playing the US server, scattered here and there...the total number is still MUCH lesser than LUG's[inRO and InGunZ(100 concurrency)combined] userbase regardless of what blizzard statistics say, i have a hard time trusting those...

the third most populous game would be Lineage, though i woudnt know if that counts since majority, if not all of the userbase plays the game on private servers.

as for the others titles , trust me the awareness is negligible...
haha i liked the last line... ill pr4wn j00 4ll wi7h |\/|y Ub3r 5k1llzZ :P lol....
good luck doing what you do,


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